The appeal of this well-liked Fairy-type Pokemon is brought to life on your keyboard with the Clefairy Keycap, a attractive accessory that produce from durable resin material. Next, the keycap has Clefairy’s recognizable design, with its round body, pink cheeks, and happy face all set against a vivid purple background that adds to its whimsical view. Besides, Clefairy’s whimsical nature is emphasized by intricate embellishments, which flawlessly capture its captivating charm. This keycap are create to suit for Cherry MX switches, increase some color yet excitement to your typing experience while also elevating the apperance of your keyboard and paying homage to Clefairy’s enchanted nature.
High-quality Resin
Cherry MX switches
Shipping Date
Within 5-8 working days
This keycap able to transmit light.