Choncc, a lovable League of Legends character noted for its exuberant and upbeat disposition, is portrayed in this exceptional Artisan Keycap, which is crafted from premium resin. This gorgeous pink keycap perfectly captures the charm of Choncc with its round, fluffy shape and upbeat personality, making it an essential item for gamers. Beyond its cuteness, choccc brings happiness and joy to your typing experience, making you smile every time. With the “League of Legends: Choncc Keycap,” you can simply add some sweetness to your keyboard!
High-quality Resin
Cherry MX switches
Shipping Date
Within 8-15 working days
The keycaps are all painted and colored by hand. We cannot guarantee that the painting will be completely consistent and there may be slight production marks.
It is recommended to use alcohol-free wipes when cleaning to avoid paint corrosion and paint peeling.