Unleash your creativity with the Detective Conan: Only One Truth Prevails Conan Edogawa Keycap, a delightful tribute to Detective Conan that will brighten your workspace! The keycap known for his sharp intellect yet unwavering determination, Conan Edogawa is a young detective who fixes complex mysteries while searching for a method to regain his original body. Besides, this keycap beautifully captures Conan’s essence, making it a necessary for fans of the series. Moreover, the keycap are crafted from durable resin, it will adding a unique touch to your keyboard and also serving as a tribute to the thrilling world of detective work. Awesome for anime yet mystery lover, the Only One Truth Prevails Conan Keycap allows you celebrate your love for this beloved character with each keystroke!
High-quality Resin
Cherry MX switches
Shipping Date
Within 8-15 working days